this is first pages about Nasheed.. and i will share all nasheed news here. and i will lebel as Nasheed. Malaysia or international Artist..
first, i want to share with you guys about sami yusof. i like him.. his song different than others islamic artist. i think the massage in his song are relative not only to the muslim but to non-muslim also.. i still remember when i open youtube to watch his video titled Healing.. and what interest me is there is one coment from cristian. he said he love sami yusof because his massage to everyone...
now i have 2 album. and i will keep in touch for new album. so i want to share with you guys sami yusof video... I'm your hope.. this song is dedicated to all youth in this world to make a change.

Click DOWNLOAD to download this song
You are the hope for our globe
Don't give up nor despair
There's nothing you can't repair
You can change this world to a better world
With your souls, with your souls
Do not harm me, I am your truth
Do not kill me, for I'm your youth
I am your hope, I am your truth
I'm your faith, I'm your youth
Bil-qawli wal amal, Antumul amal
(With words and action, You are the hope)
Salimhum Ya Rabb, Salimhum Ya Rabb
(Grant them peace Oh Lord, grant them peace Oh Lord)
Bil-ilmi wal-qalam, Yudfa'u al-Alam
(Through knowledge and the might of the pen, Pain will be pushed aside)
La tansani ana dhamiruk, La tu'zini ana shababuk
(Don't forget me for I'm your conscience, Don't harm me I'm your youth)
Composed and produced by Sami Yusuf
Lyrics by Dr. Walid A. Fitaihi
this is first pages about Nasheed.. and i will share all nasheed news here. and i will lebel as Nasheed. Malaysia or international Artist..
first, i want to share with you guys about sami yusof. i like him.. his song different than others islamic artist. i think the massage in his song are relative not only to the muslim but to non-muslim also.. i still remember when i open youtube to watch his video titled Healing.. and what interest me is there is one coment from cristian. he said he love sami yusof because his massage to everyone...
now i have 2 album. and i will keep in touch for new album. so i want to share with you guys sami yusof video... I'm your hope.. this song is dedicated to all youth in this world to make a change.

Click DOWNLOAD to download this song
You are the hope for our globe
Don't give up nor despair
There's nothing you can't repair
You can change this world to a better world
With your souls, with your souls
Do not harm me, I am your truth
Do not kill me, for I'm your youth
I am your hope, I am your truth
I'm your faith, I'm your youth
Bil-qawli wal amal, Antumul amal
(With words and action, You are the hope)
Salimhum Ya Rabb, Salimhum Ya Rabb
(Grant them peace Oh Lord, grant them peace Oh Lord)
Bil-ilmi wal-qalam, Yudfa'u al-Alam
(Through knowledge and the might of the pen, Pain will be pushed aside)
La tansani ana dhamiruk, La tu'zini ana shababuk
(Don't forget me for I'm your conscience, Don't harm me I'm your youth)
Composed and produced by Sami Yusuf
Lyrics by Dr. Walid A. Fitaihi
1 ulasan:
Assalam..nice info..salam ziarah to my blog..
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